Nov 9, 2021

Banana Ducks (cuz idk wut else to post about)

 Ehem... here are a few images:

This is a comic I made, it's stupid but I love it lolThis is a drawing of my character The Duck.

And here are a few banana duck memes

And I saved the best for last:

Uhm that's it... bye

Oct 18, 2021


 So in my last post, I said that I was getting a puppy. Well, 2 weeks have passed, and I didn't tell you anything about her, so that's what I'm gonna do here. So details first. The puppy is a girl, and her name is Daisy. She is a Maltipoo puppy, and she has one older sister that is 10 months. So when I got Daisy, she was 10 weeks, but now she is 12 weeks, and yesterday she became a 3-month-old puppy. Daisy has greenish eyes and tan fur. Here's a photo of her from the website we got her from: 

The white puppy is her older sister.

And here's a buttload of pictures of Daisy sleeping.


That last one is funny cuz when Daisy sleeps, she sometimes sleeps with her eyes open, so if she's looking in a different direction, her eyes are white. It's at the same time cute and creepy.

The duck toy you see in every single picture is named Quackers. I wanted to make a post about him a while ago, but I kept forgetting, so lemme tell u about him now. So I have a friend named Polly, and every time I would come over to her house for a sleepover, or she would come over to mine, we would give each other gifts. One sleepover, I was thinking of giving Polly something frog-themed cuz she liked frogs. So when I was in a store with my parents looking for a gift for Polly, I saw this beautiful frog toy. It was soft, and it had long arms and legs. And it was absolutely stinking adorable. But, there was one thing, it was a dog toy. I knew Polly wouldn't mind though, and she would like it either way, and she did. But next sleepover, Polly gave me a duck dog toy. AND I DIDN'T CARE IF IT WAS FOR DOGS OR NOT. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HIM. Ehem I fed him and took him everywhere- 

So yeah, that's Quackers but let's get back to Daisy. 

Cute Things Daisy does:

  • Runs after her tail
  • Turns over on her back like a turtle on its shell
  • Licks your feet
  • Bounces when she runs
  • Sometimes slips and slides when running fast 
  • Her ears flip and flop
  • Makes funny faces when you give her belly rubs
Some recent things that happened to Daisy: she went to seaport village with us in a bag, went to the vet and got her shot*, and got a flea bath yesterday**.

*more about her shot
So Daisy had 2 shots before we got her, but she needed one more, so she went with us to the vet and got a needle stuck in her. She really didn't like it and made the saddest little sound. She even peed from fright.

**more about her flea bath
Yes, she has fleas. Well, HAD. So we kept seeing her itching and biting a lot and were getting worried and wondering why she was doing it. One day I decided to take a look, and what did I find? A flea. A round brown annoying little flea. I tried catching it, but it was so fast, and Daisy wouldn't just stay still. Later on, I told my mom about the flea, and she took a look. And somehow, she caught THREE FLEAS. We thought there was only one or two. But apparently, there were more than three because she was still itching. So my mom scheduled a flea bath appointment, and a few days later, we went to the place. AND FOR SOME REASON. THE OWNERS OF THE PET CAN'T BE WITH THE PET WHILE IT'S GETTING ITS BATH. SO MY BABY DAISY. HAD TO BE WITH STRANGERS. FOR A WHOLE HOUR. IN A PLACE SHE SEES FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! I don't know who was more stressed, Daisy or me. My mom and I got ice cream from Baskin Robins though, so that was nice. After the bath, Daisy was sooooooooooo fluffy, and she smelled soooooooooooooo good. I think the scent was lavender, but my dad didn't like it. He likes more "organic smells." He should smell her poop then. That's pretty organic.

So yeah, that's my new pet, Daisy. I ran out of stuff to say, so this is the end of this post. 
Goodbye, until next time!

Oct 4, 2021




Sep 28, 2021

The Trials of Minecraft

 Day One:

I just started Minecraft, and I was like, "Ok yay, but I need to get wood to build a house before night comes and- OH LOOK A LLAMA." So I ran up to the llama and mounted it. I was confused why the llama wasn't going where I wanted to go cuz I thought u could ride llamas like horses, so I was just awkwardly sitting on the llama trying to control it while it was grazing. Then the sun started setting, and my llama fell into a pit with water, and I was frantically trying to make steps out of the hole to save my llama, but I was too late, and my llama died. I blamed myself for the death of the llama, but later I found out it was the llama's fault cuz llamas are stupid. Then soon after, either zombies killed me or I drowned. 

My respawn point was a deep valley, so I had to climb out of it, but like I said, it was night, so I died multiple times trying to get out of it while a stupid skeleton was shooting arrows at me, and I had nothing to protect me except my punches. Eventually, I killed that mob, but of course, it wasn't the only one, but finally, I got out of the valley when it was day, and I slapped all the remaining mobs to the death. 

So now I was in hardcore survival mode, and I collected as much wood as I could to make a shelter for the night. But of course, I couldn't make a small shelter that was easy and quick to make nonono. I had to make at least a medium-sized house, so obviously, I didn't make it in time, and I died quite quickly. So this time, I was like, "THAT'S IT IM TIRED OF THESE MOBS IM CHANGING TO PEACEFUL MODE."

 So I changed the mode and started looking for my house. But eventually, I gave up and started making a new house, again a medium-sized one. While I was doing that, I saw a chicken, and I chased and killed it cuz obviously I had to eat, BUT FOR SOME REASON, THE CHICKEN DIDN'T DROP ANY LOOT. So I kinda accidentally murdered an innocent chicken for no reason- So after that tragedy, I realized when I chased the chicken, I went away from my house, but I found my other home. So I collected the wood from it and returned to my other place that I thankfully didn't lose. But then, in the distance, I noticed something that looked like a farm. 

Day Two:

I ditched my barely started house and ran towards it with the hopes of finding a village. And my theory was correct! I have found a village. It was a small village, but it was enough for me. There was like only one or two inhabitants for some reason, but they ran away whenever I came close. I tried trading with one of them before they could run away quickly, but even for the lowest level, I needed leather to trade with them. I had no idea where the heck to get leather. I thought it came from horses, but either way, there were no horses in this biome.

I explored all the buildings and eventually got the hang of moving around from one place to another. I looted the chests I found in the houses, and yes, I know that's bad, the villagers probably worked hard to get that stuff, but hey, they are NPC's and don't really matter (sorry, no offense villagers). I slept peacefully that night, and the following day I was ready for anything Minecraft threw at me (except Mobs). 

I collected the food from the farms and planted the seeds, and everything was going good. Whenever I saw a cute fox, I fed it the red berries I found (later I found out that they are poisonous to me, I hope they're not poisonous to them...) One day, I found a cute sheep. I shaved it, fed it, and led it to the village with hay. The village had like a butcher's place and a fenced area connected to the house. I tried leading it into the house to get to the fenced area, but the sheep wasn't going through the door, so I gave up and let the sheep be. 

Later on, I found a chicken and did the same thing, only this time the chicken fit through the door probably because it was smaller, so apparently, the sheep didn't fit through the door because it was so fat. So then I found another chicken, and I made it go to the fenced area too, and of course, I mated them, and they had a Lil cute chick. The fenced area was getting pretty crowded with the three chickens, so I planned to make it bigger later. 

One day it rained, and I wanted to check up on my chickens to see how they were doing, and guess what, THEY WERE GONE. Just poof! An empty fenced area. And still, to this day, I have no idea what happened to them. I think that they got cold and died because it was raining after all, and when I was leading my sheared sheep to the fenced area, I noticed that it was literally shivering, like wow, nice details Minecraft. So I was like, oh well, and continued doing whatever I was doing. 

Another day I found out about wandering traders, so I checked out what it had. It sucked, but either way, I didn't have any emeralds to buy anything. One time though, I saw the llama of the wandering trader getting attacked by a wolf, but before I could do anything, the llama was killed and dropped the leash it was on. I felt bad for the trader, but the trader was like, "Oh, my llama died... oh well, llamas are stupid anyways." And I mean, he isn't wrong, and I talk from experience. 

ALSO, RECENTLY I FOUND OUT THAT LLAMAS SPIT AT A WOLF RANDOMLY WHEN THE WOLF DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! AND I WITNESSED A LLAMA KILLING A INNOCENT LIL WOLF WITH ITS SPITS! LIKE WTH DUDE! SO NOT ONLY LLAMAS ARE STUPID, THEY'RE EVIL TOO!!! But back then, I liked llamas and didn't know the extent of their stupidity, so I promised myself that I would eventually get that villager a new llama. (spoiler alert: I didn't)

On another day, I found a sheep, and I wanted to restart my farm, so I destroyed some of the fences so the sheep could go in then put it back while the sheep was there. Later on, I found another sheep, and I got it into the fenced area without letting the other sheep get out by making a new fenced area connected to the old one but keeping the divider, getting the new sheep into the new fenced area, and then removing the fence in between the two. Then, of course, I mated them, and the baby sheep was SO CUTE.

With all these sheep, I had a huge abundance of wool, and I mean HUGE. So I sheared them every now and then, and life was good until...... Before I tell you what happened, you need to take note that wolves were always right outside the fence staring at the sheep with their scary red eyes, but thankfully my sheep were protected, and neither me nor the sheep were attacked. 

But one day, it started raining, and I was like, "Oh no! I don't want my sheep to die like my chickens! I need to make a roof above the fenced area, so they won't get cold!" So I quickly went to my sheep to make the roof, I put one block of wood planks inside the fenced area to build upwards to make the roof, but that was a grave mistake... when I put one block down suddenly one of my sheep climbed up on it. And I was like, "OH MY GOD, NONONO GO BACK DONT GO FORWARD." Because if the sheep went forward, it would go over the fence and right into the jaws of the wolves. But sadly, the sheep didn't hear my pleas and went forward with the other sheep following and the wolves violently attacking the sheep.

*I'm not done yet but ima take a break and leave it on a cliff hanger lol

Sep 2, 2021


 Hi everybody!

So as you can see, today is going to be about Minecraft because, I'm taking a break from animal jam and I replaced it with Minecraft. I still like animal jam, and I'm going to come back to it, but I got bored of it, so I'm gonna be playing Minecraft for now. I played Minecraft a few years ago, but I left after the pandas just came out. It was cool how you could build anything you wanted, and there were lots of cute animals, but after you built all that, then what. I wanted to socialize with people and have adventures and make cool roleplays (I didn't know you could invite people to your server and join other servers yet) but couldn't, at least I didn't know how. Now with all the new updates and I know how to join other servers and play with other people, I got interested again. I don't know how long this will last though, so I don't know when I will join animal jam again. Hopefully soon, but not too soon, because I have to finally start my Banana Duck Club.

That's it for now Hope you have a great day bye!

Aug 24, 2021

Cool Animal Jam Glitches

 Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted for such a long time; it's just I had no idea what to post. But now I do and I found a few interesting glitches I'd like to share. Although some people might've already posted about a few of these glitches, they didn't make a post with all of them together. SO AM NOT STEALING COPYRIGHTS PLEASE DON'T CALL THE POLICE ON ME I CAN'T GO BACK.

The Secret Color Glitch:

Ok so this is not exactly a glitch, and you probably already know this glitch, but some people don't, so let's start with the steps.

  1. First change your mouse to the normal white pointer if you haven't already.

  2. Next go to the color pallet for your animal. You can do the magenta for your eyes, fur, or pattern.

  3. Then go to the settings on your computer, turn on the magnifier, and zoom as much as you need. I usually do 1000%.

  4. After that, you need to click exactly where the border and the lightest purple (bottom right corner) meet.

  5. And there you have it, a secret magenta color!

So the thing is, there used to be two secret colors, magenta and icy blue. But when the color pallet expanded, the icy blue was no more. Also, there's already a magenta on the color pallet, so the old magenta isn't that special anymore.

Here is how the two magentas look next to each other:


The Crossing Borders Glitch:

This one is kinda cool. You can go to places that are beyond animal jam's borders. For example, you can stand on the tide pool in Tierney's aquarium!
  1. First you need to change your animal.
  2. Then quickly, while you're still changing the animal, click and go to that place you can't go.
  3. And there you have it, you're standing in a place nobody else can stand unless they do this.     Your Welcome.
Here are some examples of places you can go to:

The Awkward Sitting Position Glitch:

In my opinion, this is the best glitch of all glitches. What you can do with this glitch is that you can sit in positions that are not in the animal jam code.
  1. First you need to go down a slide.
  2. Then while you're still on the slide, you need to quickly change animals.
  3. Lastly, while you're still changing animals, you need to do the sit action. Try to do it at the end, or else it won't work.
How does this glitch work? Well I think this happens because when you're going down a slide in animal jam, you are spinning around while sitting. So when you stop and sit in the end, you stop at some point where you were facing a new direction while spinning.

The Color Changing Seal (not what you think):

This glitch is fine, but this sounds pretty wimpy compared to the cool glitch where you keep changing colors no matter what, and some of the colors aren't even on the color pallet. But sadly, I'm still trying to figure out how to do that glitch, so this is the closest you can get to it.
  1. The glitch only works with a seal (I checked) so you need a seal for this.
  2. First you need to choose this pattern and color of your choice:

      3. Then you will have to hop, and the final result will be your seal covered in a much darker version of the color of your pattern

Ok! That is it for now. I hope you liked it and I encourage you to try it. Feel free to say any questions or comments you have as long as you follow the rules.

Jun 11, 2021

Where to find the epic plushies

 The title says it all so let's get started


I found this one all by myself, although it's not the easiest one cuz the crocodile is literally out in the open, not even hiding. As you can see, the panda is behind the Mira statue in Jamaa township


I possibly could've found it by myself, but I didn't cuz somebody yelled out, "THE PENGUIN IS HERE!" and I didn't find it by myself thanks to that random jammer. You can find the penguin behind some rocks near the Sarepia Forest sign in Mt. Shiveer.


I am proud to say that I found this one by myself in Sarepia Forest next to the Theater.


I found this one by myself too on the steps behind the waterfall in Coral Canyons.


This one I found by myself, although the crowd of people may have helped, but either way it was really easy to find it. You can find this one in the Temple in Baloosh near the Juno statue.


For this one the crowd of people helped a lot cuz I wouldn't have noticed it there at the top left corner next to some eggs on display near the owl painting.


I got a little help by looking at what land it was in but nothing more. You can find it behind the waterfall in Kimbara outback.


For this one I just gave up and looked at where it was, and it turns out it was behind the bushes in the Coral Canyons pathway!

Hope this helped but I'd recommend trying to find them by yourself, it's more fun that way, but you can use some small clues along the way.

May 20, 2021


 Ok so I know I'm talking to nobody but I think Animal Jam classic finally got an update cuz I don't remember there being SPECIAL ITEMS ON WEEKENDS DURING SUMMER. So yeah that's kinda awesome that AJHQ is noticing that animal jam classic exists. Here's the items for this weekend:

May 10, 2021

Animal Jam Rant (at least I think it is)

Ugh I hate how animal jam just forgot about Classic. I mean play wild is probably the "favorite child" because it can be played on any mobile device, but then why not just do the same for classic? Sure classic has a lot of negatives but why not just fix them instead of making a whole other game.

Apr 17, 2021


You heard me right axolotls. I just wanna state my opinion. I kept hearing axolotls, and looks like they were a trend I'm like, "what are axolotls anyway?" So I serched this up and got images that look like this:
And I was like "wait, I saw this on some kind of documentary show or something? Why is this a trend? I mean the fan art is really cute but the reality...." Why, why is this a trend I mean look at it. I asked my mom freaky or cute? She said and I quote "freaky" this is just my opinion but I'm really confused.

Apr 16, 2021

How to make a Blog

 So this Blog didn't just appear out of nowhere it came from somewhere. You're probably wondering how to make a Blog. Well this girl is gonna tell you everything.

Step 1:

First, go to this website

Step 2:

Name your blog and do the steps they say

Step 3:

Once you're done don't celebrate yet. Go to themes and pick any theme you like

Step 4:

Step five:
Post! The end!

Welcome to my Blog

Hi there, if you're reading my blog Welcome. My intro or whatever says everything.