Oct 18, 2021


 So in my last post, I said that I was getting a puppy. Well, 2 weeks have passed, and I didn't tell you anything about her, so that's what I'm gonna do here. So details first. The puppy is a girl, and her name is Daisy. She is a Maltipoo puppy, and she has one older sister that is 10 months. So when I got Daisy, she was 10 weeks, but now she is 12 weeks, and yesterday she became a 3-month-old puppy. Daisy has greenish eyes and tan fur. Here's a photo of her from the website we got her from: 

The white puppy is her older sister.

And here's a buttload of pictures of Daisy sleeping.


That last one is funny cuz when Daisy sleeps, she sometimes sleeps with her eyes open, so if she's looking in a different direction, her eyes are white. It's at the same time cute and creepy.

The duck toy you see in every single picture is named Quackers. I wanted to make a post about him a while ago, but I kept forgetting, so lemme tell u about him now. So I have a friend named Polly, and every time I would come over to her house for a sleepover, or she would come over to mine, we would give each other gifts. One sleepover, I was thinking of giving Polly something frog-themed cuz she liked frogs. So when I was in a store with my parents looking for a gift for Polly, I saw this beautiful frog toy. It was soft, and it had long arms and legs. And it was absolutely stinking adorable. But, there was one thing, it was a dog toy. I knew Polly wouldn't mind though, and she would like it either way, and she did. But next sleepover, Polly gave me a duck dog toy. AND I DIDN'T CARE IF IT WAS FOR DOGS OR NOT. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HIM. Ehem I fed him and took him everywhere- 

So yeah, that's Quackers but let's get back to Daisy. 

Cute Things Daisy does:

  • Runs after her tail
  • Turns over on her back like a turtle on its shell
  • Licks your feet
  • Bounces when she runs
  • Sometimes slips and slides when running fast 
  • Her ears flip and flop
  • Makes funny faces when you give her belly rubs
Some recent things that happened to Daisy: she went to seaport village with us in a bag, went to the vet and got her shot*, and got a flea bath yesterday**.

*more about her shot
So Daisy had 2 shots before we got her, but she needed one more, so she went with us to the vet and got a needle stuck in her. She really didn't like it and made the saddest little sound. She even peed from fright.

**more about her flea bath
Yes, she has fleas. Well, HAD. So we kept seeing her itching and biting a lot and were getting worried and wondering why she was doing it. One day I decided to take a look, and what did I find? A flea. A round brown annoying little flea. I tried catching it, but it was so fast, and Daisy wouldn't just stay still. Later on, I told my mom about the flea, and she took a look. And somehow, she caught THREE FLEAS. We thought there was only one or two. But apparently, there were more than three because she was still itching. So my mom scheduled a flea bath appointment, and a few days later, we went to the place. AND FOR SOME REASON. THE OWNERS OF THE PET CAN'T BE WITH THE PET WHILE IT'S GETTING ITS BATH. SO MY BABY DAISY. HAD TO BE WITH STRANGERS. FOR A WHOLE HOUR. IN A PLACE SHE SEES FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! I don't know who was more stressed, Daisy or me. My mom and I got ice cream from Baskin Robins though, so that was nice. After the bath, Daisy was sooooooooooo fluffy, and she smelled soooooooooooooo good. I think the scent was lavender, but my dad didn't like it. He likes more "organic smells." He should smell her poop then. That's pretty organic.

So yeah, that's my new pet, Daisy. I ran out of stuff to say, so this is the end of this post. 
Goodbye, until next time!

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